From cash back app to IPO darling: storytelling that powered a rewards revolution.
ConsumerPrecision engaged us to elevate the company as an outlier in the booming brain–computer interface category of neurotech. In the first twelve months, we established Precision as a leader in the field by touting the founding team’s expertise and POVs, leveraging moments like new funding, clinical trials + research, and aggressively newsjacking competitor announcements to secure on-message headlines and build tier-one media relationships. Our work is helping to establish BCIs as anything but science fiction — proving the power of the emerging tech for impactful treatment of debilitating neurological illness + injuries.
Over the course of a year, we secured multiple interviews with WSJ reporters at different desks, including tech, health, and science. This strategy boosted Precision’s share of voice in industry stories — but the Journal needed more to write a standalone piece. For months, we collaborated with Precision’s research partners (including human patients!) to curate and approve an exclusive offer for the Journal’s Science Bureau Chief to watch a procedure live from the operating room. This not only cemented the Journal’s understanding of Precision’s incredible technology, but it sparked a passion and belief in the company’s technology and team’s expertise that resulted in a beautiful digital and print feature story, a WSJ produced video on BCIs, and multiple WSJ podcast episodes.