Precision Neuroscience

Cutting through the BCI hype for a company building a direct connection between the human brain and computers for good.
AIHealthcareDeep Tech

Messaging & Positioning, Storytelling, Media relations, Awards and events, Event planning, Thought leadership platform, Executive thought leadership, Social media, Corporate counsel, Executive counsel and training

Precision engaged us to elevate the company as an outlier in the booming brain–computer interface category of neurotech. In the first twelve months, we established Precision as a leader in the field by touting the founding team’s expertise and POVs, leveraging moments like new funding, clinical trials + research, and aggressively newsjacking competitor announcements to secure on-message headlines and build tier-one media relationships. Our work is helping to establish BCIs as anything but science fiction — proving the power of the emerging tech for impactful treatment of  debilitating neurological illness + injuries.

WSJ's Exclusive operating room look

Over the course of a year, we secured multiple interviews with WSJ reporters at different desks, including tech, health, and science. This strategy boosted Precision’s share of voice in industry stories — but the Journal needed more to write a standalone piece. For months, we collaborated with Precision’s research partners (including human patients!) to curate and approve an exclusive offer for the Journal’s Science Bureau Chief to watch a procedure live from the operating room. This not only cemented the Journal’s understanding of Precision’s incredible technology, but it sparked a passion and belief in the company’s technology and team’s expertise that resulted in a beautiful digital and print feature story, a WSJ produced video on BCIs, and multiple WSJ podcast episodes. 


From unknown upstart to a category king.

119+pieces of media coverage, including 46 interviews with 22 different publications
12podcast recordings
3top-tier speaking engagements, including Milken Institute and USB Asian Investment Conference